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Monday, October 6, 2008

Misleading Headline of the Day

Nerds Rejoice: Braininess Boosts Likelihood of Sex

What the article does say is that women look for intelligent signs of life when on the hunt of a potential mate, long-term or short-term. Yes, brains are a turn-on, nerds of America. What it doesn't say until the second page, however, is that LOOKS ARE STILL MORE IMPORTANT THAN BRAINS. So, don't get all excited there, nerd-boy. If you look like a geek, quack like a geek, and don't look like Brad Pitt, then chances are your chances of getting laid are still pretty slim.* In fact, I'm not sure why they even published this article.

**I, for one, am so turned-on by geeks. Ask my husband.

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