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Saturday, August 9, 2008

Blame It On the Child

Dear Readers (Yes, All Two of You. I see you hiding back there.),

It's amazing how quickly time flies. I looked at the date of my last posting, and hard to believe, it's been over a year. I registered the domain name "pinkartichoke.com" back then, failed to renew the registration, and alas, it has now been snatched up by someone with an affection for the actual vegetable. So, we're stuck here in Blogspot Land, with a less-than-exclusive domain name, and a year's worth of sex-related high-jinks and foibles to make fun of, and a whole lotta explaining to do.

Well, first off, there's the issue of daily postings. Daily postings are nice, in theory. I told myself I'd keep up on this blogging stuff and post everyday, think of funny things to say quickly and without hesitation, generate a loyal following of readers, and create enough traffic to support myself and my husband for the rest of our lives. Easy shmeasy, right? Of course, I didn't take into account my own undeniable and ever-present laziness, nor did I factor in the true and unspoken and unwritten law that when you're not getting paid to work, the work somehow suffers.

Secondly, within this space of a year that this blog has remained untouched (and unread, for that matter), I got sperminated, knocked up, and gave birth to a lovely, bouncing, baby girl. You'd think that in the nine months that I was preggers, I'd have some desire to plop my overweight and overburdened body down and think up some funny shit, but noooooo. Life happened, and I had no desire to keep up with it AND keep up with a blog, too.

Anyway, that's all I want to say about all that. Let's move on to the future, shall we?

I have a child now, and one of the things I want to teach her is perseverance. Eventually, I'll teach her about sex, and hopefully she'll have inherited some of my and my husband's twisted senses of humor, but for right now, I'll teach her perseverance
and show her that Mommy can take care of her all day long, keep up with life, AND keep up with a blog, too.

So, here I am. I'll be posting on a semi-quasi-regular basis now. Fantasy Fridays might not be every Friday, but they'll be there. Sex and laughter shall ensue. As it always does on a regular Saturday night in my house. (OK, maybe on every 3rd Saturday of the month, if I'm lucky.)