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Monday, March 19, 2007

Chocolate Willy Wonka Factory

Chocolate Willy Clone

I know this isn't news, but have you seen this thing? I recently received this Chocolate Penis Molding Kit, and I've got to tell you, whoever designed this thing is a genius. The only bad part about it is that it melts, and if your lover has an exceptional dong, eating it could take more than one session, leaving a chocolate-y mess and a chocolate dong that might end up looking like a rather unsavory log of poo. Unless you're into that sort of thing. In which case, this is your dream come true. I have yet to test the product on my husband, but I'll make sure to write a review once I do. Regardless, this will make a great gift for the chocoholic sexaholic in your life, which I guess was what my friends were thinking when they gave it to me.

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