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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Get on the Shortbus

Shortbus - John Cameron Mitchell - Movies - Review - New York Times

One of the best films to come out this year (in my opinion), Shortbus is a great sex-positive film that will leave you with the same kind of warm-all-over giddy feeling that you get when you watch It's A Wonderful Life in your PJs by a cozy fire.

Sure, there's a lot of sex...and nudity...and gay sex...and nudity...and talk about sex...and sex, but that's not what this film is essentially about. In fact, the sex scenes are done with such a great matter-of-factness and humor that they aren't gratuitous or raunchy. I think that if you have problems with sex, you'll probably find this movie appalling, but if you're like me, and you know that sex is a natural part of life and love, then go see it now. That's my shameless plug for the day.

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