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Sunday, March 4, 2007

Nudists Aren't Supposed to have Tan Lines

Victorian nudists won't stand for a filthy beach - National - theage.com.au

Take a look at the picture. Australian booties...men who want to clean up their nude beach of litter. But there are noticeable tan lines on a couple of the nudists. Take for instance the man on the far right (who I like to call Jerry). Tsk, tsk. I'd like to think that some random guy and his friend decided to bare ass and join the fun just so they could get their picture in the newspaper to try and impress girls. Later, they regretted the move when the guys took a break and played a bit of nude hackysack. No, I'm not kidding. Nude hackysack- I've seen it. Anyway, Jerry and his friend regretted the move after Hal the Nudist accidentally kicked Jerry in the nuts causing Jerry to scream expletives making the nervous dog that hung around them all day suddenly attack Jerry's friend, nearly mauling him to death and leaving him with an unsightly scar on his right buttcheek. Imagination is everything, people.

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