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Saturday, March 24, 2007

Guess What I Have in my Pic-a-nic Basket, Yogi.

: Vaginal bear trap protects women against rape

For all those devious, vengeful, and self-obsessed women who give the rest of us a bad name, this product would be perfect. I, on the other hand, see no point to it other than giving me something to blog about today. Apparently, the inventor of this product believes that putting this bear trap/condom up your pussy will keep would-be rapists at bay, but the only thing it protects the woman from is actual penetration of a penis - or a finger. It does not protect her from the actual violence and invasion that precedes the act, nor does it deter men from, say, fucking you up the ass. OK, so I'm being a bit cavalier about the topic, but this whole snare up my snatch thing just doesn't bode well with me. What happens if I forget it's up there and my lover happens to fancy sticking his finger up my cunt? Or maybe his tongue? I'm picturing something akin to getting yourself caught in a mousetrap or even worse, getting your penis caught in a mousetrap. How do you explain that to your urologist?

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